Character Creation

Step One: Concept #

The first and most basic element of your character is their concept. Think of this as a short phrase encapsulating the basic essence of the character — the sort of thing you might see in a movie synopsis or on the back cover of a novel. Maybe they’re a “Mercenary to the Gods” or “High Priestess of Santa Muerte.”

Part of a Hero’s concept is their divine patron and genesis (Hero, p. 17). Even if you don’t explicitly call them out in the concept, you should settle on them now.

This concept doesn’t have any direct mechanical effects, but any time you find yourself stuck further on in this process, returning to your concept can help you figure out the best choice for your character.

Step Two: Paths #

Define three Paths (Origin, p. 95) for your character. The first Path corresponds to your character’s origin, who they were before the story started. The second corresponds to their role, who they are now (your character’s concept is usually a good fit here). The third corresponds to their pantheon, how they relate to the gods and myths of their patron’s pantheon.

Each Path consists of the following elements:

Step Three: Skills #

Prioritize your characters’ Paths as primary, secondary, and tertiary. Your character receives three dots in each Skill associated with their primary Path, two dots in each Skill associated with their secondary path, and one dot in each Skill associated with their tertiary path. These dots are cumulative for Skills associated with two Paths.

For every Skill that ends up with three or more dots, choose a Specialty (Origin, p. 59).

Step Four: Attributes #

Your character begins with a single dot in all Attributes for free.

Prioritize the three Arenas (Origin, p. 97) as primary, secondary, or tertiary. Assign six dots to Attributes in the primary category, four to the secondary, and two to the tertiary. Divide these dots however you like, but no Attribute can be higher than five.

Next, choose one of the three Approaches (Origin, p. 97). Add two dots to each Attribute in that Approach; any Attribute dots beyond 5 may be reassigned elsewhere in the high Attribute’s Arena.

Step Five: Callings and Knacks #

Choose three Callings (Hero, p. 190). At least one of your character’s Callings must come from their divine patron’s three Favored Callings.

Your character receives six[1] dots among all their Callings, but each must have at least one dot.

For each Calling, choose a number of Heroic Knacks equal to the Calling’s rating; while they can learn more, they may only have as many active as they have Calling dots. Alternately, you may choose a single Immortal Knack instead
of two Heroic Knacks for any Calling two dots or higher. If your character is also a creature of Legend, they replace one Calling with one appropriate to their nature (see Hero, p. 310).

Step Six: Birthrights #

Your character receives seven dots to allocate to Birthrights (Hero p. 201). You may choose from the example Birthrights in this book, or design your own.

Most Scions receive Birthrights tied to their patron’s pantheon, but the Overworld is a cosmopolitan place — not only do the pantheons routinely talk and trade amongst themselves, many Gods are members of multiple pantheons. If you have an interesting idea for a story about, say, a Scion of Sun Wukong who carries the Spear of Lugh, don’t let pantheon affiliation stand in your way.

Step Seven: Purviews #

Your character gains their Pantheon Specialty Purview as an innate Purview (Hero, p. 264). In addition, choose one of your divine patron’s Purviews as an innate Purview. All other Purviews must be drawn from Relics or Guides.

Step Eight: Boons #

Choose three[2] Boons from any of your character’s Purviews, whether innate or granted by Birthrights.

Step Nine: Finishing Touches #

To finish out your character, fill in the following:

Each player character receives 5 extra Skill dots, an extra Attribute dot, and either two additional Knacks or four points of Birthrights at this point in character creation.

Finally, spend 50 Experience as you wish.

Experience #

AttributeAdd one dot to a single Attribute10 Experience
BirthrightAdd one dot in a new or existing Birthright5 Experience
Favored ApproachChange a character's Favored Approach15 Experience
SkillAdd one dot in a new or existing Skill5 Experience
KnackPurchase a new Knack10 Experience
SpecialtyAdd a Specialty to a Skill3 Experience

  1. Five, plus one for being Legend 3 at game start. ↩︎

  2. Again, two, plus one for being Legend 3. ↩︎